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​FX Artist

Week9 Particle And pyro trail

Update: 8/7/23

Process Part 1 
Add particle

process still the same : make the model copy to point to the curve.

the difference is that this time I want the point can fly away. so I compute the normal and then make the velocity = normal (@v = @N) then the particle's track will follow the normal

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create the dop network

the difference than the week 7 is that I add the pop force (big and small scale) also the pop drag  to make sure that the particle will not overlap by the smoke trail.

to give particle more variance I give the drag a vex code to give the each particle different air resistance

(airresist = fit01(rand(@id),0.05,5);)

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attribute randomize to give pscale random size

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redshift particle render setting 

For material I create the vop node

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create the RS Particle Attribute and input the attribute that I create from the vop

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屏幕截图 2023-08-07 192636.jpg


the way assign the material (inside the Sop node and Outside the Sop). the inside way is not working. houdini version 19.5.368

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Combine with the smoke trail

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屏幕截图 2023-08-07 195340.jpg

Add motion blur

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屏幕截图 2023-08-07 204137.jpg

After add motion blur the head of the trail looks too messy, so I use the time shift to make all the particles move back one frame

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When I do the render test I haven't cached out all the simulation only the 64 frames to see the render result, but when I want to cache all the simulation, the simulation always crash in the 77 frames.

The simulation of the pyro solver is crash in 77 frame I think is because the Min substeps is too high, So I change the Min substeps from 3 to 4

when I changethe substeps to 4 3 4 still crashed.

the problem is not come from the substeps. 

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when I change the pyro solver' start frame in 76 it still crashed in 77 frame, So after I  detected the source of the error. I found out the upper body part particle's cached out file have the error in 79 frame which can't read by the houdini. 

I decide to recache this part to see the result.

the pyro solver's sub spteps still set to the  4 4 4

now it's working

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97 frame close shot

before I start aura part I forget to assign the material of the model.

this way(pic 1) can get the material result in mantra. but for redshift render I need to delete the old material and reassign the RS material

File name : Project_part2_ParticleAndPyro_trail_v2

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pic 1

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Thesis Committee's suggestion Base on the week 7 8 result

Base on the suggestion, I need break up the trail shape a little more

so I start to adjust the pyro solver, add the turbulence and shredding but the results are no different than before.

Anchor 1

last time when I not use the pyro solver, direct to pyro bake volume, the file crashed. now I figure out the reason it's my computer problem. After I test when the voxel lower the 0.03 the file will crashed. 

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last time when I not use the pyro solver, direct to pyro bake volume, the file crashed. now I figure out the reason it's my computer problem. After I test when the voxel lower than the 0.03 the file will crashed. 

also cause  without the pyro solver simulation one more time. it keeps a lot of detail (in pop net I already break the trail and add noise)

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So I need to recache the pop simulation change the life expectancy.(after test 0.7 is good )

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same frame old version


not the trail length is done I will start to process the trail's density. (the head part is too bright)

the upper body part will process later.


I create another vop to make the heap part density lower


The upper body part pscale 0.5 density *0.5

Anchor 4

Process Part 2
Aura Around Body

Start to create the aura around the body

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the process is still similar to the trail part 

get the model, scatter and then customize the density and velocity

and then deform the one frame data to all the animation 

the point deform and attribute interpolate both work after test

but for the second one it need to clickk on the scatter output attribute

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Anchor 2

The movement speed may require further adjustment 

create volume attribute 

dopnet work still (object solver source) three node to start simulation and input the volume data to the source.

also cause the I don't have the temperature change the input to density

right now I'm not sure that should I keep the copy to point before the simulation or after. cause I haven't decide I want the aura effect by the velocity(copy to point) or not.

make sure the static object works(when I set the static object first it's not work, the reason is that I forget set the order of the merge o set the merge type to mutual [oops!] )



Anchor 3
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